Finnish software for Outlook +Exchange/SharePoint
Finland has many users of the Outlook add-ons, but so far the Finnish translation has not been up to date. We are therefore happy to announce that new translations are on their way for all our products. Hyvät Suomalaiset, olete tervetulleita kokeilemaan tuotteita Outlook + Exchange tai SharePoint! (Finns, you are very welcome to try the products for Outlook + Exchange or SharePoint!)
Resource booking in Outlook with Calendar Browser
The resource booking tool for Outlook was the first one to be fully translated, so the latest version of Calendar Browser will be completely in Finnish for users with a Finnish Office. As Calendar Browser is a product that may be used by a great number of clients, it was an important first step. When booking a room or a car from your Outlook calendar it feels better to have the add-on in the same language as Outlook, and the risk for mistakes is minimized.
Time reporting in Outlook with TimeCard
TimeCard is another product that may have many users. A number of big companies are Members of Community, and they let hundreds of employees report time and expenses directly from the Outlook calendar to a central database. Siret has just finished the Finnish translation for TimeCard, and in the next release we will add the new phrases to this software. Also the Single version will be updated, so that Finnish businesses of all sizes can use TimeCard in their own language.
All products will be updated for Finnish
One after one the products will be updated with a full Finnish version. I may not mention it here in the blog every time, but it will certainly be included on the Revisions pages. The team is looking forward to seeing more organizations from Finland joining Community!