
11 October 2011

New QA at

For a long time I was the only woman in the team, but during the last year no less than three other women have joined us. The latest one is our new QA Engineer Neha Gupta, who has been with since the beginning of September.

Neha has passed both Bachelors of Science and Master of Computer Science exams. As she wants to use her skills as a tester, she finds work in the team an interesting challenge.

During the month Neha has been with us she has tested one app for iPhone (iCalendarTimeCard) and one for Android (ShareTask), checked changes in the resource booking tool for Outlook (Calendar Browser) participated in planning of the new KBase and tested all products with Windows 8. All tasks have been performed with energy and skill, so you can understand we are happy to have her!

In her free time Neha plays badminton, and just like the CEO, Peter, she very much enjoys music, drama and dance. But ‒ again just like Peter! ‒ her main interest is technology and everything you can achieve if you use it in a clever way. Welcome to the team, Neha!

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