
27 October 2011

NameDays And iNameDays New Press Releases Are Out

One of the steps that must be taken when releasing a new version of a product is to write a press release and submit it to a few good press release sites. Now when both NameDays and iNameDays are updated for 2012, we also have new press releases for them.

In both press releases we of course mention the news: the name days for the year 2012 and the addition of the French name days. Earlier we covered only 2010 and 2011, so an upgrade to 2012 was necessary now that we are soon there. We are happy that we also could add the name days for France this time, and it is our ambition to add more countries in future releases.

NameDays press release
The NameDays press release begins with a quote that expresses the delight people often feel when someone remembers their name day. This is something we hear a lot from grateful NameDays users. We also mention that this free product can be used not only with Outlook but also with iCal, Yahoo! or Google Calendar.

iNameDays press release
In the iNameDays press release we explain why the iNameDays icon has number 23 on it. The app that puts name days in the default calendar of iPad, iPod touch and iPad was the first app from Business Solutions, and even if you have to pay a small sum to get it from App Store it has become very popular. There are more name days apps on the market, but as far as we know iNameDays is the only one that does not create a new calendar but instead puts the name days in the calendar people use for other notes and appointments.

For website visitors
The press releases are not only meant for the media but also for visitors to our website. They give a special kind of product presentation that we hope is interesting to read as a complement to our other documentation. It would be interesting to hear if we are right or wrong, so any comments are welcome!

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