
25 October 2011

Congratulations To Matriarch With New iNameDays

The beautiful old woman in the photo is my mother, Ingalill. Today is her name day, and as we consider Ingalill the Matriarch we are happy to give her a special gift for the iPad she uses every day: the 2012 version of iNameDays, which was approved for release a few hours ago ‒ right on time!

iNameDays is an app you may all share with Ingalill. It adds name days to the default iOS calendar, which is the calendar you normally use in your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. You don't have to create a separate calendar to see the name days of your choice. This year we have added the French name days, so now you have 14 name days (+ Swedish week numbers) to select from.

I have earlier mentioned Ingalill's great interest for new technologies in the blog post post "... 93 years old and loves her iPad". Another interest is picking mushrooms, and in the photo she is preparing mushrooms she has herself picked in the woods. As you understand this spirited Matriarch is a great source of inspiration to the younger members of the clan! Our warm congratulations!

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