
01 December 2016

SharePoint Online New Page Model

SharePoint iconMicrosoft has recently introduced a new type of SharePoint Online page, and I have begun updating the Tips section with some new articles on this new page model.

The most common SharePoint pages, the wiki pages, can be highly customized, but it is not always so easy. With the new page model, Microsoft wants to give SharePoint Online users a less complicated alternative.

The new page model has a number of specially designed web parts. Show them by clicking on a plus sign, and  add the part you prefer to the page by clicking on the web part icon. The web part options will be displayed in a settings pane to the right.
SharePoint Online new page model web parts
The options are not as many as in the wiki pages, but in the new page model simplicity is in focus, not power and advanced features.

The first article about the SharePoint Online new page model starts with a short introduction. After that I show one of the simplest web parts, the Quick Links part. With this web part you can add links pointing to documents and pages and have a preview of the target on the published page. I have embedded a demo below.

I will soon publish more articles with demos on the SharePoint Online new page model! For now you are welcome to visit the Tips section to study the introduction article.

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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