
07 October 2013

SharePoint Tasks Ordering Within Phases In Kanban Task Manager V2

Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint logotypeToday I am happy to announce the release of a new version of Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint . Earlier you could drag and drop the tasks between different phases, but in version 2 you may also order the tasks in each phase with the same convenient method.

Project and task management in SharePoint
Kanban Task Manager combines the simplicity and clearness of the traditional kanban board with today's most modern technologies. With Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint you can show tasks for multiple projects in one kanban board, filter tasks by project, responsible and/or priority and search both subjects and body texts of the tasks.

Managers can easily supervise several workgroups when each group have their own Kanban Task Manager subsite. And you can drag and drop tasks between and now also within phases.

Member request
Several users have asked for a possibility to drag and drop tasks within phases, for example to put the most important tasks on top. Community iconThis feature has been in our future plans for some time, but as current Community Members are our first priority I decided to implement it sooner than we had first intended.

Tricky development
The development of the tasks order feature was not easy. To make it possible to drag and drop the tasks within a phase was no problem. The tricky part was to make the tasks keep their position in the ordering even if tasks were moved or new ones were inserted, but we managed to solve that in a smooth way.

When the task ordering maitenance was solved the remaining development and testing was so quick that the documentation update was left behind. As Community Members were waiting, we still wanted to release version 2 as soon as possible, and the manual will be updated this week.

Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint task sizes To pin or not to pin?
When we first designed Kanban Task Manager we added a pin to each visualized task on the virtual kanban board. We thought it was a nice reminder of the pins used to fix the cards in the traditional kanban board.

However, users complained that the pin made the text difficult to read, so when we introduced the possibility to use smaller tasks we made not pin on those. But people who used the bigger tasks still wanted to get rid of the pin, so in this version there are no pins on any tasks.

Hover and see more
To further increase the visibility we have added tooltips to the tasks on the kanban board, also this after a suggestion from a Community Member. Hover over the subject or the description, and you will see more of the text.
Kanban Task Manager tooltip

Upgrade or try upgrade iconCommunity Members who are already using Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint are welcome to upgrade their installations. Upgrades are always included in the subscription, just like the support, and the quick upgrade process is described on the Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint upgrade page, where you can also download the latest version. download iconHave you not tried Kanban Task Manager yet? Please download Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint and try it for 30 days. The support services are for evaluators too, so you are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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