
17 June 2015

Outlook HelpDesk Add-on Updated

Folder HelpDesk logo Folder HelpDesk for Outlook was one of my first add-ons, created fifteen years ago. Yesterday we released a minor update to fix some bugs reported by users with special environments.

Issue tracking tool
With Folder HelpDesk, a support team can cooperate in an organized manner inside Outlook. E-mails are converted into tickets manually or automatically and gathered in a list with several different views inside Outlook.

Folder HelpDesk ribbon group As Folder HelpDesk for Outlook 
is a mature product, it has many features. The add-on is used by organizations all over the world
for all kinds of incident management and user support.

Various environments
Folder HelpDesk makes use of Exchange server and is installed in a shared mailbox or public folder. This is the same for all Folder HelpDesk users, but there the similarities often stop. With so many user organizations, the environments where Folder HelpDesk works are very different from each other.

Re-create and solve
The QA team tests each new version of Folder HelpDesk thoroughly in different milieus, but it is impossible to test every setting where Folder HelpDesk is used. Therefore we are grateful when users report issues and give us a chance to do something about them. By learning about the subscriber's environment, our technicians can re-create the problem and solve it.

Helpful subscribers
Yesterday's update of Folder HelpDesk is the result of fruitful cooperation between the developers and QAs on one side and a few subscriber organizations on the other side. Bugs were reported, studied and solved to everyone's satisfaction.

We especially want to thank the Folder HelpDesk responsibles at The Swiss Post for their patience and readiness to answer all our questions. Their environment is a bit unusual, so they encountered several of the bugs that now have been fixed.

Upgrade upgrade iconNow when all known bugs are removed, we of course want to release a new version for all. Subscribers are welcome to upgrade Folder HelpDesk without any extra costs. Refer to the Folder HelpDesk Revisions page to see which problems have been solved in this update.

Try Folder HelpDesk download icon If you need a good issue tracking tool that works completely inside Outlook, I recommend you to download and try Folder HelpDesk . Please contact us if you have questions. Your e-mail will be well received!

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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