
10 June 2015

Junior Developer Finds His True Self At

Today I am happy to introduce a new employee at the Indore office. Bhupendra Singh joined the team as a trainee three months ago, and now we have hired him as a Junior Developer.

The right trainees will advance
The people who work with the Solutions must not only be technically advanced. They must also have a capacity to think out of the box and be imaginative problem solvers. Such persons are not so easy to find, but taking in trainees is a good way of looking for them.

Some of our current team members began their career at as trainees, and after a few years they are now skilled technicians with a deep understanding of our products and the platforms they build on. I am sure Bhupendra will be another one of them.

Bhupendra's story
Bhupendra Singh imageI was born and brought up in Indore, India, and I graduated from the Indore Institute of Science and Technology in 2013.

Like every college graduate I asked myself what to do next. Should I go for further studies? Should start earning my bread and butter?

Contractor training
At that time I was selected for training in a young engineer contractor scheme, launched by the Chief Minister of our state, Madhya Pradesh.

The course gave me a license that is required to sign contracts for governments road and building works, so I registered a company and begun working in that business together with a cousin.

However, the question was still bothering me. Was this the work I wanted to do for the rest of my life? The technology, programs, and logics running in my blood cells was saying a big NO.

I left the management of my company to my father and my cousin and begun looking for another career.
Bhupendra Singh
Explore the real me
Fortunately, in March 2015, I got the opportunity to work with the team. Here I was offered an opportunity to explore the real me – or at least the engineer in me.

Calendar Browser for SharePoint iconI joined the team as an intern and got the opportunity to develop my skills under the guidance of my colleagues and seniors. At first I worked on design issues of two SharePoint solutions: TimeCard Mobile and Calendar Browser.

The register iconAfter that I began enhancing the registration website, which includes designing, programming, and database management.

Music frees the mind
In my free time I like to listen to music, because music is something which always keeps your mind fresh. I also like to visit and explore new places.

Family of IT Professionals
I am blessed with a wonderful family of six members. My mother is a home maker, and my father is a retired bank employee. He is engaged in trade-union matters and is currently the Vice President of All India Bank Employees Association and the General Secretary of Bank of India Employees Union.

My elder brother, who is a Senior Software Engineer and lives in Japan, will soon marry. His fiancĂ© is a Senior Technical Writer and works for a Swedish company (Ericsson) just like I do. My sister lives in Mumbai. She is an  IT analyst, so we are all in the IT business.

Questions answered!
At the, Indore office, I have found the answer to my questions about the future. Now I feel very satisfied with my work, because it gives me a chance to continue learning things I am interested in, at the same time as I have begun earning "my bread and butter"!

Bhupendra Singh
Junior Developer Business Solutions

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