
01 June 2015

Indian State Visit To Sweden For Research Collaboration

Cooperation between India and Sweden is nothing new, but currently the Indian President visits Sweden to strengthen the bands that connect the two countries. Here at we have had an intense and fruitful collaboration between India and Sweden for ten years, and now we hope for the same success on a higher level.

Royal welcoming ceremony
Yesterday the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, landed at the Stockholm international airport, where he was met by the Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.

Later the same day the President met Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustav at welcoming ceremony at the Royal Palace.
Indian President and Swedish royal couple
No visit to Öland
The Swedish Royal family has their summer castle near the head office, but they received the President in the Stockholm palace and not here on our beautiful island.

However, Stockholm is also at its best this time of the year, and I hope the President saw some of it during his ride in a horse-drawn cortege through the streets of the Swedish capital on Sunday afternoon.
Indian President in cortege

Innovation and research cooperation
Shri Pranab Mukherjee will meet with several government officials, including Prime Minister Stephen Löfven and Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom, to discuss how India and Sweden can enhance their collaboration.

Nobel medalThe President will also visit the Nobel Institute and the research university in Uppsala, north of Stockholm, where he will give a speech on ”Tagore and Gandhi: Do they have Contemporary Relevance for Global Peace?”.

The theme of the visit is innovation and sustainable development, and the purpose is to promote trade and research exchange between Sweden and India. Leaders in both countries expect a number of key agreements to be signed.

Namaste Stockholm 
This is the first time ever an Indian head of state visits Sweden, and to celebrate that an Indian festival called "Namaste Stockholm" (Hello Stockholm) was held in the Swedish capital a week ago. Unfortunately I could not attend, but ten to fifteen thousand others were more lucky.
The team at Maheshwar
The team as forerunners
Cooperation across cultural and religious borders is not only fruitful - it is necessary. I am happy to be able to say that the team members are forerunners, not only in technical development but also when it comes to bi-lateral interchange.

The Solutions are good examples on what cooperation between India and Sweden can give. I value my skilled and reliable Indian colleagues highly, and I feel their appreciation in all contacts.

We all gain from our work together, but the Subscribers, who use our products, are of course the real winners!

Read about the outcome of this state visit in a later blog post.

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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