
12 December 2013

SharePoint Expertise In Demand On YouTube

The YouTube Channel now has more than 1000 subscribers, and the number of people who follow us is increasing rapidly. YouTube icon They have acutally doubled only since I last wrote about the YouTube channel in August!

Product tutorials
All the Solutions have video demonstrations that show installation, configuration and use. These tutorials are of course much used by both evaluators and subscribers of our products, and they are continuously updated when we release new versions.

TimeCard for Outlook logotype Right now we are recording new TimeCard Workgroup demonstrations for the release of version 5 next week. You are welcome to the TimeCard Workgroup V5 playlist if you want to have a look at these demos, that are not yet published on the website.

SharePoint tips
Our most popular YouTube videos are the SharePoint tutorials. I have taught and developed for SharePoint since 2001, and people sometimes call me a SharePoint evangelist. Even if I see what could be improved in SharePoint, I am fascinated by the possibilities given by this sharing platform in the cloud and on premise.

SharePoint 2013 logoNew SharePoint certification
When SharePoint 2010 was released I took all the avaliable Microsoft certifications for SharePoint rather quickly.

With SharePoint 2013 the demand for my development and lecturing services has been so great that I have not until now had time to take a certification. However, yesterday I passed the Microsoft certification "Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013", so now I only have three left!

Outlook 2013 logo Excel, Outlook and more
The YouTube channel also has many tutorials on Excel, Outlook and other platforms. All these demos, just like the SharePoint tutorials, are also present in the Tips section.

Outlook 2013 logo Here each video has its own page with a presentation and step by step instructions. These pages give more than just the YouTube demo, so many YouTube visitors end up in the Tips section.

Team work
Most of the demos have my voice, but they are actually a team work. Other team members have helped me with editing, recording and manuscripts, and without them the tutorials would not have been as good as they are!

200 000 views
Next milestone will be 200 000 views, and we are soon there. As the average viewing time is nearly four minutes I also know that most of the people who watch the demos actually see the whole demo.

This feels very encouraging, and the positive comments further increase my wish to continue publishing good product and tips demonstrations on the Channel.

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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