
03 December 2013

Microsoft Business Intelligence Silver Competency Renewed

The team has once again proved that it can achive more than most. Only around 5 % of all Microsoft partners gain the Silver competency level, and Business Solutions has earned two of them! These competencies must be continuously updated, and I am proud to announce that our Silver competency for Business Intelligence today has been renewed for another two years.

To earn the Silver competency for Business Intelligence we had tot fullfil several requirements. We had to prove
  • that we have enough knowledge
  • that our customers are satisfied
  • that one of our products passes a test

Folder HelpDesk

Folder HelpDesk logoWe opted to test Folder HelpDesk, the issue tracking solution for Outlook. It builds on Outlook and Exchange and also makes use of Excel.

For sharing we recommend an SQL Server database, but smaller companies may also use Folder HelpDesk with an Access database. Next version of Folder HelpDesk will have SharePoint as a third option beside the SQL Server and Access databases.
Excel icon
BI platforms
We could have chosen another product for the Silver competency test, as our solutions make heavy use of  SQL Server, Excel and SharePoint. These  are all important Microsoft platforms for Business Intelligence. As we use them so much we of course have a deep knowledge about them, something that shows in our applications and makes our customers satisfied.SharePoint icon

All companies are not allowed to give recommendations, and I understand and respect that. I am however very grateful to those who can and are willing to recommend Some of them have given testimonials for our website, while others have given recommendations for Microsoft competencies. Thank you,all!SQL Server icon

There are three levels of Microsoft Partnership – Standard, Silver and Gold  so maybe you ask why we don't aim for a gold competency, if we really are that good and our customers that satisfied?

The reason is that we don't not sell Microsoft products. We are allowed to sell them, but we have chosen to concentrate our marketing efforts on the products and cannot agree to the annual revenue commitment that Microsoft requires for their Gold competencies.

So, Silver is the best we can achieve, but we will continue trying to get more Silver competencies. We now have Business Intelligence and Application Development, but there are actually one or two more within reach. I hope to come back to them eventually.

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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