
23 December 2013

Hard Work And Much Fun In Indore

After a week with intense work at the office, the whole team went on a 12 hours excursion where we only enjoyed ourselves.

SharePoint sessions
We arrived in Indore last Monday, and in the afternoon we were greeted by the whole team at the office. Tuesday to Friday I have spent my time at the office, discussing product development and lecturing about SharePoint. Most of the team already know SharePoint well, but as the SharePoint development is increasing, they all need to be experts. team
While I have been working, the kids have been shopping and enjoyed themselves in the center of the city, where both the office and our hotel are situated. Now and then they also came to the office, and Oliver caught us in a crowded situation where all wanted to see how one of the senoir developers had solved a problem in the next version of our resource booking tool, Calendar Browser.

We have other ways to share our screens, so there is absolutely no need for everyone to gather around a laptop, but it is a funny picture! team
Saturday morning we all gathered at the Indore Zoo, known for its special species like white tigers, Himalayan bears and white peacocks. After lunch the rented bus took us to Lal Bagh Palace, home of the Holkar dynasty and now turned into a museum.

We continued to, Nakhrali Dhani,  an ethnic village resort, where we saw many examples of Rajasthani & Malwi cultures and where we also could play games and dance. In the evening we had a traditional dinner, sitting on the floor at low tables. It was a fantastic day, but we were all very tired when we finally came back to the hotel.

In the photos below you see some of our developers in a cricket match we all took part in - Jitu, Shanu, Arpeet and Sharad - and another developer catching the ball - Sandeep. At the billiard tablet is our office manager Vipul, who arranged this memorable outing. team team team
Bonds of friendship
In a day like this my kids and I get a chance to learn more about Indian culture and traditions, and we can be together with the team members in a relaxed way. But as several team members are new, this is also a good opportunity for them to get to know each other better.

I finish this blog with a photo that symbolizes these friendly encounters. My daughter Elsa and QA Engineer Ankita lagged behind, so deeply engaged in their talk that they did not notice the rest of us had moved on. I wish you all a loving, peaceful and merry Christmas! team
Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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