
04 December 2011

Raised Value For Products Business Solutions goes to a higher level
In November 2009 BusinessSolutions introduced a subscription system for all more advanced products, which I wrote about in two blogs,8 November and 16 November. During these two years the software applications have been much improved. Generally speaking our development work follows three paths, even if they intermingle.

The first path is to make the Officeadd-ons compatible with new Microsoft technology. In 2009 most of our customers still used Windows XP or Vista, but Windows 7 was released during the autumn and the team updated the products to support the new operating system. At that time we had already updated the products for in Office 2007, and when Office 2010 came one year later we could take full advantage of the ribbon  which brings us to the second path.

When new technology is introduced the developers don’t just ask themselves how to make our software compatible with it. Another very important question is to ask how to use the new technology to our advantage, to make the products better and easier to work with. That is the second development path: to continuously make the applications better. Here we have a big help from Community Members. They use our products on a daily basis and often give us suggestions to enhancements. We always listen, and if possible we realize the customer’s request.

The third path is for the long run, and it is the responsibility of our CEO and our Lead Developer. Peter and Jayant follow very closely what happens in our branch and among all interesting new technology they try to select the most suitable to build on for a strong future. 

During the two years of Community we have not raised our Community fees, but now we feel it is time to do so. Old monthly subscribers who don’t break the subscription will still pay the old fees, but yearly subscribers and all new Community Members will have to pay a bit more.

We will use the extra revenues to hire more developers and another QA Engineer. This way the development work can advance faster, and I am sure both old and new Community Members will appreciate the improvements during the next two years of Community.

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