
19 December 2011 Welcomes New Office Manager

Today I am happy to introduce a new member of the team, our Office Manager Vipul Dindulkar, who has been with us for a month now.

The proper education
Vipul has worked as an office administrator for five years, and during this time he also completed his Master of Business Administration, studying in his free time. Before that Vipul had achieved a degree of Bachelor of Computer Science degree, so he has just the right background for his new position with

A new office for the Indian staff
We have already seen good example on Vipul’s energy and drive. When he joined the team a month ago his most urgent task was to find us a new office in Indore, because we had outgrown the old one. Vipul went around looking, photographing and negotiating, and everything was reported back to us in tidy Excel lists and images. We decided on a good office that the Indore team members liked, and Vipul arranged to have it renovated and furnished in a very short time.

Increased efficiency
Now Vipul will start on more ordinary office tasks. He will take care of the administration for our Indian office, where most of the actual development and testing of the software takes place, and some of the general administrative tasks will also be his responsibility. As Vipul has a background in computer science, he can also assist in more technical matters when needed, and that is important to us.

We hope that Vipul will enjoy working in the team, and I am sure he will be a good help in making the administration efficient.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation Vipul For your new job
    :-I am Girish Jadhav Friend of vipul.
    Vipul is very confidant and energetic humanbeen.
    He always keep silence. and slowed all problem from a one smile,vipul deserve all the achievement of his life. because i believe in do work.
