
26 December 2011 CEO Visits New Office In Indore, India

floor Indore office door
Today I can show you some photos from the new office in India. Indian office houseThe team had outgrown the old premises, so it felt great when they could move into new ones last week. All is not in order yet, of course, but the internet connection and the new furniture is in place, and there is a temporary sign on the door and a welcoming painting on the marble floor. The office is situated on the top floor of this house in Indore, and it has a nice, shady balcony with a view.

Indian office desk CEO Peter arrived in Indore Sunday, and Lead Developer Jayant Rimza and Office Manager Vipul Dindulkar took him to the office for a first look.

Peter tried the new desks and chairs and was happy that the white board was in place in the conference room for his lectures later this week. Indian office whiteboard

As the team works in two time zones, the two
clocks are important pieces of equipment. Since users of the software are found all over the world, we would actually need more clocks!

I sincerely hope our Indian team members will enjoy their office and find it a stimulating work place. They are worth it! Indore office clocks

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