
13 May 2011

ShareTask Published At App Store - Cooperate on SharePoint Tasks While Mobile

ShareTask icon The team gets new reasons to celebrate every day! This time we are happy that ShareTask has been approved and is up for sale at App Store. This app lets you manage your SharePoint tasks directly in your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, and I think it will be very popular. Community Members who use our incident management tool HelpDesk OSP will of course make use of ShareTask, but we think many others will also find it convenient. ShareTask is an app for all who want to be able to continue working with SharePoint task items while on the run.

ShareTask is not just an app that connects to a SharePoint site, but it actually puts the list in the iOS device. It is designed to be easy to handle with a finger, but a keyboard may of course also be used. ShareTask uses many standard iOS features, that every iPhone or iPad owner is familiar with, and on top of them we have added the extras that make this app so special. Business Solutions has developed ShareTask in cooperation with CEO Peter had the idea ‒ of course! ‒ and figured out how make it reality. Then softage developer Alexander Songolov together with QA engineer Alena Prokudina and graphic designer Jitendra Joshi from did most of the work. Try ShareTask, and I think you will agree with me that they have done an excellent job!

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