
10 May 2011

Microsoft + Skype = Great Opportunities For

Skype icon After months of speculations about who would buy or partner with Skype, we today have heard the outcome: Microsoft will acquire Skype for 8,5 billion dollars. The affair will bring many benefits to both consumers and enterprises, and it will give exciting new opportunities. Our CEO, Peter, has developed add-ons for Microsoft products for twenty years and earned 15 Microsoft certifications. He also has deep knowledge about Skype, as it was only six months ago that he left a position as Product Manager for Skype Toolbars.

When Peter begun working for Skype in 2005 it was still owned by the two creators, and they had recently bought Peter's add-on Outlook Skype. Under Peter's more than five years in the company it grew to be one of the really big, and the Skype product was much improved. That phone numbers on web pages turn into clickable buttons is just what you expect today, but it was only a few years back that Peter initiated the development of this Skype feature.

It seems that Skype will be a separate business division inside Microsoft, called Microsoft Skype. Two giants have joined forces, and it will be very interesting to see what the deal will bring in the future. I am sure I will have reason to come back to it several times ‒ always with the angle, of course!

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