
24 January 2011

Las Vegas Great But CES A Disappointment

Once again Peter is giving you some impressions from a journey. This time he went to Las Vegas, and as you can see above he had some fun there also! Welcome to read his report:

"I have finally settled down after a rather hectic 8 days trip to the US. It was interesting and very enjoyable. The main reason for going was to visit the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which is something I have been wanting to do for many years now. I have been to CEBIT in Germany several times, but CES was a first for me. My son Joakim also joined in on the trip, and as it was his first such show at all our hopes were high!

We had a great time, but the conclusion for me is that the internet is a much better place for really seeing something new. There was nothing new at CES that I had not read about online before. However, I did meet some interesting people and found some ideas that might become new business ventures in the future.

Some other conclusions I came to:
  • iOS rules the handheld marketplace and will continue to do for quite some time. Android is highly questionable from a usability standpoint, and Windows Mobile 7 was hardly even mentioned at CES. On both smart-phones and tablets Apple is far ahead. It will be extremely interesting to see what Microsoft and Google can come up with, once they catch up in a few years. I am delighted with the direction that iOS is taking software usage in general: usability, focus on the 80% functionality that really matters and mobility.
  • 3D TVs, no matter how large, do not really impress me at all. 3D PC screens with NVidia gaming gear, that is impressive and worth looking at. Since I don´t play games it is nothing for me, but Joakim was quite enthusiastic about it!
  • There is a huge number of hardware manufacturers doing the same thing. I am sure they are all very competent, but the lack of diversity in hardware is a bit sad to see.
Las Vegas is great, except for the gaming areas ;-) We ate at some nice restaurants and especially enjoyed the desert around the city. Even if I don't think I will go back for the CES I would love to see more of that part of the US.

Peter Kalmstrom
CEO, Business Solutions"

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