
09 September 2015

TimeCard for SharePoint With Summary Web Part

TimeCard for SharePoint logotypeTimeCard for SharePoint V1.5 has been released! Compared to the Outlook version, which has 15 years on the market, the SharePoint version is still young.

But young is not the same as powerless! By taking advantage of SharePoint features we can give TimeCard for SharePoint possibilities that are much more difficult to develop in Outlook.

Tag calendar events with time reporting info
With TimeCard for SharePoint users tag their calendar events with centrally defined time reporting values that are present in dropdowns in each event. When it is time to report the work hours, they can use these calendar events and report time directly from their SharePoint calendars. There are no double entries, and the calendars can be reached from everywhere over the internet.
The TimeCard for SharePoint event tab

Statistics iconThe reported time can be studied in Excel reports. Administrators can see data from all users, while each user only can see his or her own data. The Excel reports are useful for different kinds of calculations, and by using Excel we make it easy to both calculate and visualize the reported data. time tracking
We of course try to use our own products as much as possible, and as the team is geographically distributed between Sweden, India and sometimes Spain, we especially like our SharePoint Solutions. Therefore we report time with TimeCard for SharePoint.

Quick overview of time usage
The TimeCard statistics is excellent for Business Intelligence, but we also wanted some way to quickly see what people had done during the day and what was planned for tomorrow. This is not what TimeCard is intended for in the first place, but thanks to SharePoint Web Parts, we could expand TimeCard to fill this overview function too.
The TimeCard for SharePoint event tab

TimeCard Summary Web Part
Today's update of TimeCard for SharePoint includes the new Web Part we created to have our overview feature, and I hope more organizations will find it useful. The TimeCard Summary Web Part can be inserted in any page in the site collection where TimeCard has been installed.

The team members report every day, and with the TimeCard Summary I can easily keep track of what everyone is doing. Should I want more info than what is given in the summary, I have links to all calendars in the Quick Launch.

Upgrade upgrade icon Upgrades are always included in the Subscriptions, so current users of TimeCard for SharePoint are welcome to upgrade their installations.

Try TimeCard! download icon You are welcome to download TimeCard for SharePoint and try it for 30 days. If you don't want to create your own tag values and events, you can use our example data for an easier evaluation.

Mobile App
I will soon come back with more TimeCard for SharePoint news, as its mobile app will be released any day now. It will be free for subscribers and will work with version 1.5 and later.

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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