
24 February 2015

New Forces In The Support

Today is a special day, as my father, Sigge, celebrates his seventieth birthday. Sigge has been working with since 2007, but now he is leaving some of his tasks to younger forces.
Sigge Kalmstrom photo
Support anchor
When Sigge joined the team was small, but even at that time questions had to be answered and problems had to be solved. I think nearly all our customers and evaluators have had contact with Sigge, who also was responsible for the support during the first years.

Sigge made sure all e-mails were answered quickly and all problems were solved in a timely manner, and his work has been much appreciated. Jitendra Patidar image

However, Sigge is not a software developer, and eventually we could let one of the developers, Jitu Patidar, take over Sigge's responsibility. Sigge continued to answer e-mails, but not as many as before.

Strong support = strong products
Today we have two more developers in the support team: Arpeet Gujarathi and Ankit Raghuvanshi. To engage developers directly in the technical support is highly beneficial to the product development.
Arpeet Gujarathi image             Ankit Raghuvanshi image
When developers get to know first-hand about a problem or request, directly from the caller, there are no delays and the developers get a better understanding of how the Solutions are used. For the same reason the QA team is also following the support contacts closely, even if they are not communicating with customers.

German and Swedish
Sigge will continue to answer e-mails in German and Swedish. He will also answer urgent support e-mails in evenings and weekends, when our developers are off. He can always contact either Jitu or Lead Developer Jayant Rimza at such occasions, so that we can give service also out of office hours.

I am happy to be able to work together with my parents and take advantage of their experiences, and I am sure Sigge will be in the background for many years more. Thank you for all your good work so far, Daddy!

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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