
16 February 2015

Anniversaries For YouTube And The Channel

YouTube icon I don't think it has escaped anyone that YouTube celebrated its ten years anniversary on February 14, but YouTube actually has one more cause for celebrating: the YouTube channel has been live for five years ;-)

Product demos and Microsoft tutorials
The YouTube Channel contains two kinds of video demonstrations: demos of the Solutions and tutorials on Microsoft platforms.
The product banner
Each of our products has an introduction video and also demonstrations on installation and various features. They are popular among our subscribers and maybe even more among evaluators, who get easily accessible information that is a good complement to the more detailed descriptions in the manuals.

The Tips section has around 100 YouTube videos combined with written explanations and step by step instructions. It began as a service to Subscribers, but we soon saw that many more wanted to study my tutorials on SharePoint, Excel and Outlook and other IT topics. We even have a few articles about YouTube videos!
Outlook and SharePoint icons
Quality issues
We created the YouTube Channel on February 17, 2010. By that time we had managed to achieve good quality videos, after a long process of trial and error. Our videos most often show computer screens with many details, so we had to find a way of recording and producing that gave very clear videos.

That we finally could create videos with acceptable quality did not only depend on our persistence in trying. During the time we experimented YouTube developed fast and gave more possibilities, and as YouTube grew the software we use for recording, Camtasia Studio, adapted to YouTube. Now we are happily uploading at least one video per week!

YouTube Partner
Today Business Solutions is a YouTube Partner with access to additional YouTube features. The Channel has well over 4000 subscribers, and I am sure the number of views will reach a million this year. That is not bad for a channel that neither has music nor cute cats and dogs!

We are constantly deleting old product videos and replacing them with new ones when the Solutions are updated. In spite of those removals we still have over 200 videos on YouTube.

After five years on YouTube the Channel is a success, and I will make sure it stays that way. You can look forward to many more informative video demonstrations from

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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