
12 February 2014

The Rock Of

Five years ago I hired a new developer to the team. At that time the team was small, but this developer has helped me make a more important brand on the world market. His name is Jayant Rimza, and today he is my friend and partner, someone I can always rely on.

Lucky day
I did not understand it by then, but I soon realized it was a lucky day when Jayant joined the team. I of course knew that Jayant had a good education and the relevant experience after some years with other companies, but things like dedication and problem solving capacity are difficult to judge from a CV, an interview and a test task.

Director and Lead Developer
In 2010 I appointed Jayant Lead Developer, and when we moved the Indian office from New Dehli to his home town, Indore, he also became the Director of the Indian branch. It was one of my best business decisions, because from then on the team has expanded in both numbers and skills. Jayant has built up a qualified team, and users of the solutions have praised the enhancements of the products.

New solutions
HelpDesk OSP iconAfter Jayant joined the team we have also released totally new products. HelpDesk OSP for Outlook and SharePoint was the first one, an Outlook add-on that converts e-mails to SharePoint list items and makes it possible to create new list items directly from Outlook.

Kanban Task Manager iconAfter that Jayant has lead the development of Kanban Task Manager. This solution for kanban style project and task management will very soon come in a single version, in addition to the two workgroup versions for Outlook and SharePoint.
Jayant Rimza image
Growing team
Jayant has gathered a team of skilled and dedicated people around him in Indore, and in September last year it was time to move to a more spacious office situated in a prestigious building in the center of the city. Now we have more room for new employees, so the team can continue to grow.

Calendar Browser icon Rebuild
I talk to Jayant on nearly daily basis, to discuss both development details and long term plans. In 2011 we decided to rebuild our mature Outlook solutions Calendar Browser, Folder HelpDesk, KBase and TimeCard.
Folder HelpDesk icon
By that time their basic architecture was around ten years old, and we knew we had to modernize it to be able to continue developing them in the very best Outlook or SharePoint solution they are using.
KBase icon

It was a huge undertaking that had to be done in several steps, and it took part of our development resources in 2012 and 2013. Jayant supervised the rebuild in an excellent way, and now the work is nearly finished and our software is built with the latest and best techniques.TimeCard icon

Today we have such a qualified team that we in the future can keep modernizing the solutions little by little instead of having to make these major rebuilds.

During our five years of close cooperation Jayant and I have become friends. I have seen him grow on a professional level,  from a young, talented developer to a responsible and experienced business leader.

When we first met Jayant was a bachelor, but now he is a married man and father to little Atiksh, who will soon celebrate his second birthday and seems to have inherited his father's flare for software development!
Jayant Rimza Wedding photo 2014
I attended Jayant's and Sushma's marriage, and it was a great experience for me to take part in the event, that spanned over three days. That was also when I first met the rest of the Rimza family. After that I have visited their home several times, and I really appreciate their kindness and hospitality.
Thank you for these five years, Jayant! I enjoy working with you, and I am looking forward to continuing doing so for many years ahead.

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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