
10 February 2014

Book A Tram With Calendar Browser For Outlook

Calendar Browser logo The resource booking tool for Outlook can be used in many ways. In our example data we have rooms as example, but Calendar Browser can be used to book anything – for example a tour with a vintage tram through beautiful summer Stockholm!

Charter a tram
In Stockholm you can rent vintage trams from different eras back to the 1910s for a tour with refreshments or meals. The line goes along the Stockholm waterfront, from the center of the city out to Djurgården,"The Royal Game Park". This is an island with extensive forests and meadows where you can find historical buildings and monuments, museums, galleries, an amusement park and an open air museum.

Outlook add-on
Calendar Browser uses Outlook calendars for the booking. Each resource has its own calendar, and you book the resource by making an appointment in its calendar. It is possible to book supplies with each booking, and the administrator can also let the users select different place settings in a dropdown. So, how does this work with trams?

The organization managing the Stockholm trams, Stockholms Spårvägar, has decided to use Calendar Browser for the booking of trams and meals. The standard solution meets most of their requirements, but Stockholms Spårvägar needs a possibility to change the captions of the Extra meeting information dropdowns.

We think more organizations would find this feature useful, so we have offered Stockholms Spårvägar to sponsor the development of this feature in the standard product.

Community icon A sponsorship is a win-win solution for both parties. Stockholms Spårvägar gets the feature they want at a lower cost than if they order a custom application, a feature that they know will be upgraded to work with future versions of the Microsoft platforms Calendar Browser builds on. And we get help in developing a feature that will make Calendar Browser a better product!

Tram calendars
To make the trams bookable via Outlook, Stockholms Spårvägar will create one shared mailbox or public folder calendar for each tram. In the Calendar Browser settings they will add the supplies choices in form of menues and refreshments.
Then the booking staff can make appointments in the tram calendars and select the supplies that the customer requests. In the Extra booking information dropdowns all the drivers and conductors are listed and can be easily selected for each tram booking.

In the Calendar Browser Overview the booking staff can easily see what trams have been booked, and they can also book new trams directly from the Overview. When the renting party wants a dinner or some snacks, Calendar Browser gives a possibility to send automatic e-mails to the responsibles for the different extras that are booked with the tram.

I am happy to know that Calender Browser will make the booking of trams easy and efficient, because these old vehicles enhance the Swedish capital.

Imagine sitting in a charming, carefully renovated vintage tram with shining brass details, eating a delicious meal and looking out on the glittering water and the magnificent buildings of Stockholm city. Combine it with a stop at one or two of the interesting places on Djurgården, and you will have a great staff outing!

Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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