
07 January 2014

SharePoint Saturday In Stockholm

I am proud to announce that I have been invited to speak at the SharePoint Saturday in Stockholm later this month. The event is already sold out, but there is a waiting list in case you would want to attend.
SharePoint Saturday badge

Fileshare to SharePoint
The subject for my speech is "Fileshare to SharePoint  –  things to consider". It is intended for IT professionals on an advanced level, who may be met with the task to move huge amounts of data into SharePoint.

Many organizations have used Office for collaboration during decades, and today they have file-shares with terabytes of data. One such organization is the Swedish Migration Board, and in my speech I will talk about the lessons learned and challenges met during the consultation assignment for the Migration Board that I told you about in an earlier blog post.

Expert group
SharePoint 2013 logoThe SharePoint Saturday is held in the Stockholm Word Trade Center on the 25th of January 2014. I am looking forward to meeting the other speakers, most of them internationally well known SharePoint experts.  I know several of them, but others I have only heard of.

HelpDesk OSP for Outlook and SharePoint iconWhen I am not having my own session, I will try to listen to as many of the others as possible. I know I will have a lot to learn from them. I will also meet the other speakers at the speakers dinner Friday night, and after the conference there will be a"SharePint". Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint icon

I am looking forward to the event. It will be all about SharePoint, a platform that is getting an increasingly central role in the development. I am sure I will have some TimeCard for SharePoint iconnew ideas that eventually will enhance our solutions!

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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