
25 November 2013

TimeCard Single for Outlook V5 Released

TimeCard bannerToday I am happy to announce the official release of TimeCard Single V5. I am grateful to the Beta testers who gave us valuable input – and to the team members for their skilled and dedicated work.

New architecture
TimeCard is new under the surface too. The code is modernized, and in some parts TimeCard has been totally rebuilt.  This new architecture will make future development of TimeCard easier.

Example data
For the first time we have added example data to TimeCard. These are generated randomly, so sometimes combinations of customers, tasks and subjects in the example appointments might be a bit unrealistic, but they will still be a good help for TimeCard evaluators.

New design
TImeCard V5 has a new design, with four different screens and a main settings screen where we earlier cramped everything into one screen. It looks much better and gives a clearer distribution of the settings features.

TimeCard may be customized in many ways, but if you use the default settings you only have to use two of the screens: the Costs and Rates screen and. the Tags screen. Here you will find the most important TimeCard settings:  how your costs should be calculated and what data you should tag your appointments with to convert them into time sheets.
TimeCard Single main screen
Documentation update
I have recorded ten new video demonstrations for TimeCard Single, and the manual and slideshow have been updated, as well as the website. We hope both new and old users will find TimeCard V5 easy to understand and use.

More versions
While the QA team has been testing the new version of TimeCard Single, the developer group has begun updating the organizational version of TimeCard. Much of the Single version rebuild can be used in TimeCard Workgroup too, so even if it is more complicated we hope we will not have to wait too long for the release of that version too. upgrade iconUpgrade or try
Users who have a valid support subscription are welcome to request a new key for TimeCard V5 and upgrade. TimeCard will know that you have an earlier version and upgrade it when you run the installer.

Have you not tried TimeCard yet? download icon If you need a tool that helps you keep track of how you spend your time, I suggest that you download the solution and evaluate it for 30 days. Please study the video demonstrations and the manual, and remember that you are always welcome to contact us if you have questions.

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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