
04 November 2013

Customize the Outlook 2013 Calendar Weather

Outlook icon I am continuing my series of Outlook basic demonstrations with a tutorial on the weather forecast display in the Outlook 2013 calendar. I like this new feature that gives me a possibility to see the local weather for several places directly in Outlook.

I travel a lot, so I have several locations in my calendar to switch between, and that way I can always see the local weather of the place I am going to. But if you are not a New Yorker the weather bar needs to be customized.
Outlook calendar weather
New York and Farenheit default
The weather settings do not follow the local settings of your operating system. Instead the Outlook 2013 calendar always shows the weather in New York by default. And the temperature scale is Fahrenheit, which is the official scale in the United States.

However, most countries use the Celsius scale, and most people want to know their local weather and not the New York weather in the first place.

Change location
The first step in my customization is to add a new location, and I choose the Swedish town Borgholm, where the head office is situated. In the Tips article about customization of the Outlook weather I describe that part more in detail.

Change temperature scale
The second step is to change the temperature scale into Celsius, and for that I have to go into the Outlook calendar options. At the very bottom of that screen there are two radio buttons for Fahrenheit and Celsius.
Outlook calendar weather
Calendar add-ons
I hope my Outlook weather tip will be useful to many, but when I recorded the demo I was especially considering all users of the add-ons for the Outlook calendar.

Calendar Browser logoCalendar Browser is a tool for corporate resource management. With Calendar Browser users can book rooms, cars, IT staff or whatever the organization  wants to make bookable, by making an appointment in the calendar of that resource. Some Calendar Browser subscribers have several hundreds of users, and I am sure they all want the local weather in their Outlook calendars.

TimeCard for Outlook logotypeTimeCard is a calendar add-on for time reporting. The idea behind TimeCard is that you should report your time in the same tool as you use for planning – the calendar. There is a single version for one person only and an organizational version with central reporting and configuration.

I hope you will enjoy my demo and your own Outlook weather bar customization!

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions


  1. Any way to automate these settings based on the system locale or something similar?

    1. I am sure there is a way to automate this. I would suggest a PowerShell logon script or something similar to that.
