
18 March 2013

Show Connected SharePoint 2013 App Parts In One Page

Wouldn't it be convenient to be able to click on a country on a SharePoint site and at once get all the customers in that country displayed on the same page? This and much more can be done by connecting two SharePoint 2013 app parts.

SharePoint 2013 tutorials
I have now published another demo in my series of SharePoint 2013 tutorials. This time I talk about SharePoint app parts and show how to connect them, and as an example I use the countries and customers I mention above.
I use the Office 365 version of SharePoint 2013 for my demo, but the principle is the same for other versions of SharePoint 2013.
SharePoint 2013 app part button
SharePoint lists with Excel data
I start with exporting an Excel worksheet with customers and countries data to my SharePoint site. Then I create a new SharePoint page where I add two app parts: one that displays the countries and one that shows the customers.

Here I have clicked on Argentina to the left, and the three customers from that country have immediately shown up to the right. In the demo below you can see better how it works.
SharePoint page with connected app parts
The Tips section
A couple of years ago we begun publishing tips and pointers that did not directly involve the Outlook and SharePoint applications but that still could be interesting to our customers.  We used a homepage with a content and one page for each tip.

These tips have become very popular, and today the Tips section of the website has grown so much that we have considered it necessary to separate the content page into two and create one content page for  SharePoint and one for Outlook, Excel and Miscellaneous.

Step by step
Another piece of news on the SharePoint tutorial is the downloadable PDF files with step by step instructions. They should be seen as complements to the video demonstrations, and I intend to publish them for all my SharePoint 2013 tutorials.

So far the step by step instructions are added to three Tips pages on the website: How to build a small business SharePoint intranet, How to build a simple resource booking system in SharePoint 2013 and How to build a SharePoint tracker for phone messages – and now to the tip on how to connect SharePoint app parts.

You are very welcome to have a look and to share my SharePoint tutorials!

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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