This time we will add some useful functionality instead, sponsored by a member of the Community. One of the new features is an automatic e-mail notification to the person who is responsible for getting the booked supplies in place.
Supplies may be anything
In the Calendar Browser example data for evaluators the resources are rooms and the supplies are coffee, tea and equipment suitable for a meeting in a room. However, Calendar Browser can be used for any bookable resources within an organization, like cars, iPads or even people, and the extras will vary depending on what kind of resources may be booked.
All supplies are listed in the Calendar Browser settings, with rate and e-mail address to the responsible person, so people who are booking only need to specify the number of each of the items they want to order with their resource booking.
Book in the Outlook calendar
Calendar Browser uses Outlook calendars, one for each resource, and when you want to book a resource you just make an appointment in the calendar of that resource.
Each resource calendar appointment has two extra features: a dropdown where the project (or whatever the administrator chooses to call this parameter) can be selected and a button that opens the supply booking dialog. Here the list of items from the settings is shown togethere with the rates. Comments, place settings and cost center may also be added.
As the Outlook calendar is so welll known, Calendar Browser is very easy to learn, and the application can be used in organizations where several hundreds of people need to book resources.
Coming soon
The new version of Calendar Browser will be sent to the sponsor this week, and we hope to be able to release it for all before the end of March.
While waiting for next version of the resource booking application you are welcome to read more about it on the Calendar Browser Plans page.
Also, please have a look at the demo below, intended for the Calendar Browser administrator. It shows what you must do to get the automatic notifications about supply bookings sent out and how you can decide how these e-mails should look.
Kate Kalmström
Marketing and Documentation Business Solutions
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