
01 January 2013

Happy Events For The Team In 2012

Together with the rest of the team I wish all blog readers a happy, peaceful and satisfying 2013!
New Year Card
 It has  always been a joy writing articles in this blog, but last year it was better than ever, as I had so many happy events to tell you about. Here is a reminder of some of them. Click the images if you want to know more!

June wedding
The CEO, Peter Kalmström, and our Sales and Relations Officer, Siret Toots, got married in a beautiful ceremony by the sea near the office. Siret took the name Kalmström, and she is now not only my work mate but also a beloved family member.
Siret and Peter second Photo

First baby
In March 2012 Lead Developer Jayant Rimza and his wife Sushma had a son, their first baby. It was a day of happiness not only for the new Mum and Dad but also for the whole team. We had all waited for this day and were delighted everything turned out so well. And now it seems as if young Atiksh has inherited his father's flare for IT!
Baby with computer Photo

Engagement and marriage

In the beginning of the year developer Kanak Joshi become engaged, and a little more than a week ago she married her Rugved Ambekar in a ceremony in Indore. We wish the young couple all the best, even though we are sorry that the wedding meant that Kanak left us, to move to another town.
Kanak and Rugved at wedding
Kanak was responsible for the Support Services, but fortunately our developer Jitu Patidar was well fit to take over that task.

Himalayan pilgrimage
Another team member, Designer Jitendra Joshi, fullfilled a long time dream when he made a pilgrimage to the sacred Amarnath Cave in the Indian Himalayas last summer. The journey was not easy, as it took him high up in the mountains, but he found it a fantastic experience that he will never forget.
Himalaya Photo

Summer delights
These were four milestones, but I like to mention one more thing that was important to Sigge and me: for the first time Peter and Siret spent the whole summer near us on Öland. Work and leisure were mixed in a comfortable way that we all enjoyed, and we hope this summer was the beginning of a long row of similar ones. board photo
How about the products then? After all, the team exists because of the products, not because of events and celebrations. Don't worry, I will soon come back with another article about the applications, and many more will follow in this blog during 2013.

A heartfelt thank you to all who follow the Blog and give me a reason for continuing writing it!

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