
16 January 2013

Facebook Launches Graph Search Engine

Yesterday Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook is launching a search engine called Graph Search.

Run inside Facebook ...
In the first place the new search engine will  run inside Facebook and will focus on people, photos, places and interests.

... but will take help from Bing
However Facebook is in a partnership with Microsoft's Bing, and search results from Bing social search will also show up when you use the Graph Search.

Ask about friends
According to CBS News, Zuckerberg explained that the Graph Search will give answers to questions like "Who are my friends that live in San Francisco?"

"Friends" are not friends
To someone not used to Facebook it sounds crazy to ask who of your friends live in a certain city because you normally know where your friends live - otherwise they are no real friends. But to the Facebook founder a friend is something else.

Photos, places and times
To show the difference betweeh the Graph Search and a standard web search Zuckerberg gave more examples of suitable search terms for the new Facebook feature: "Mexican restaurants in Palo Alto, Calif, my friends have been to", "Photos of me and Priscilla." "Photos of Berlin, German from 1989," "Photos of my friends before 1990" or "Photos I've liked."

Facebook has privacy settings, but I wonder how many are aware of them - or were in the early stages of Facebook usage? This is a subject that will probably be much debated. I often wonder about photos and comments published on Facebook: "Do you really want to let this loose in the cyber space?"

Closed beta
The Graph Search is still in a closed Beta version. Users who want to sign up for the test can join the waiting list on Facebook's website.

Better times for the share holders?
Facebook, with a billion users, has had a tough time since the IPO last year. After the introduction in May the value of the company plummeted from $ 100 billion to less than half, but after on Monday the company shares finally showed a value of over $ 32 since last July, says Chicago Tribune.

It will be interesting to follow the development of the new search engine, which will be introduced slowly according to Zuckerberg.

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