
09 June 2012

Lucky days for and its Lead Developer

In February 2009 a young Indian developer called Jayant Rimza joined the team. He was chosen for the position from among over 200 applicants, because not only did he have the education and experience we required but also showed a good problem solution capacity in the test we gave him.

You never know how a new employee will turn out until you have worked together for some time, but it soon became clear to us that the day Jayant joined was a lucky day.

Jayant once told me that some friends had warned him for joining such a small foreign company as Business Solutions. We are glad he did not listen to them but dared to trust us. Since 2009 the company has grown considerably and hired more people, so now we are not that small anymore. bossesJayant has of course played an important role in the expansion. Now he is our Lead Developer and Director of the Indian office, and he has also become a dear friend and an appreciated associate. In the image to the right CEO Peter is discussing the business with Jayant during a visit to India.

Family photoToday is also a lucky day, because it is Jayant's 30th birthday. He is still young, of course, but the single guy has become a married man and proud father of Atiksh, three and a half months old.

The Kalmstrom family and the team members are all wishing Jayant Rimza a great birthday and many happy returns of lucky days!

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