
11 June 2012 Tips and new products most interesting blog posts in May

I want to write a varied blog with different angles on big and small events in the IT world, but in May the more product oriented blog posts were the most read. This is not strange, as many readers of the Blog are either users of the applications or generally interested in development for Outlook and SharePoint.

TimeCard for Outlook
TimeCard logotype
Many people use the Outlook calendar for their time planning, so it is convenient to also report time and expenses from within Outlook. With TimeCard Outlook appointments are tagged with time reporting data, so that the planned time can be reported and no double entries are necessary. The latest update also gives a possibility to have the timesheet data entered automatically into the appointment when you accept a meeting request.

Task management inside OutlookKanban Task Manager logotype
Kanban Task Manager is a new product from that will be released later this month, and I have written popular articles about it several times before. When I published a demonstration on the Kanban Task Manager Beta version the interest was renewed, and a video is really a good way to demonstrate the essentials of an application.

MetaData Creator for SharePoint

Another demo this month showed Peter’s new idea for an application that extracts metadata, like keywords, from documents in SharePoint libraries. This enhances the SharePoint Search feature and also Tag clouds and metadata navigation works much better with good metadata.

SharePoint Content Types

The Tips are popular, as always. This month our CEO Peter has created a new demo about the SharePoint Content Types. These are very useful, but unfortunately many administrators don’t know how to utilize them. Instead they put a lot of energy in adding the same thing several times. Learning Content types also requires some effort, but in the long run it is well worth it. Peter is a Microsoft certified SharePoint specialist, so he knows how to do it and would like to see more people give Content Types a try.

If the above subjects sound interesting, I suggest you follow the Blog. Maybe you will like some of my other articles on more general topics also?

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