
23 November 2011

Swedish finance minister best in Europe

As Business Solutions is a Swedish software company, we are of course delighted that Financial Times today has elected the Swedish minister Anders Borg the best finance minister in Europe for 2011. The newspaper calls him a "striker amid stumblers".
In the Financial Times motivation we can read that “Mr. Borg wins praise for spotting early the need to strengthen the banks and tactfully explaining how Europe could learn from Sweden’s 1990s crisis in the sector. His economy also performed ex­ceptionally well in 2011, at least partly thanks to past reforms and fiscal prudence.” And the truth is of course that the strong economy of Sweden today has been built up for a long time under various governments.

Also Mr. Borg himself tones down his significance for the good Swedish economy. “We are one of the countries where there is a strong backing for a prudent economic policy. In the end it is about having stable institutions and broad support for responsible policies.”

 Everything is of course not good in the Swedish society, and some have been forced to pay a high price for the stable economy we have today. We are still grateful that our company is Swedish and not situated in a country that has been hit by the economic crisis. We cannot do anything about the world economy, but we have the finances of Business Solutions in our hands and will do our best to be just as responsible and prudent as Mr. Borg says we are in Sweden.

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