
19 April 2011

ShareTask Icon Ready For App Store

ShareTask iconWork continues on ShareTask, and today I can show you the application icon. ShareTask is the app that will make it possible to handle SharePoint lists in iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. You may use any list and view with ShareTask, and you can add, edit and delete items and also upload photos to SharePoint directly from the camera in your smart phone. 

 I hope you agree that the ShareTask icon is nice to look at and easy to recognize. It also says something important about the app ‒ reach your SharePoint lists where ever you travel around the globe and manage them with a finger. The globe is the same as the one we use for the new HelpDesk OSP icon. I am glad that we have such a memorable icon to use for the presentation on iTunes App Store and on the website.

A team of three, QA and designer from and a programmer from, work closely together on this app. The rest of the team is also more or less involved, in everything from design discussions to programming assistance. We all look forward to seeing this second product for iOS on the market!

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