
16 February 2011 Lead Developer Celebrates Two Years In The Team Lead Developer Jayant Rimza has today been with us for two years, so the team once again has reason to celebrate - just like all Members who benefit from Jayant's competence. The photo above was taken at his wedding this last autumn, when Peter visited India.

When Jayant started working for on 16 February 2009 we knew that he had the education and experience we were looking for, but we did not know if he also had the intelligence and creativity we need. There is no good way to test that in advance. Therefore we were happy when Jayant suggested a very smart solution for the TimeCard Export to Excel feature when he had been with us for only a short time.

Jayant continued to show his ingenuity, and when our former Lead Developer Bahrur Ipham left us in April 2010 it was a natural thing that Jayant should take over his role. As Lead Developer you don't only have to be a good programmer but also be able to direct the rest of the team, cooperate more closely with Peter, Sigge and me and over all take on a more extended responsibility. Jayant has managed this in an excellent way.

Today Jayant gets part of our revenues and has become like a partner and friend. We appreciate his work and dedication, and so do our Members. We notice that from all good ratings he get in support chats. "Patient and professional. Always a pleasure to work with", is just one example from all the positive comments. I agree!

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