
21 February 2018

Fifth Edition Of "SharePoint Online From Scratch" Released

SharePoint Online from Scratch cover SharePoint Online develops very fast, and to keep up with Microsoft I have to update my book SharePoint Online from Scratch often. The book is intended for administrators who are new to SharePoint, so it is important that the book describes what they actually see on the screen!

Book and e-book in five editions
The first SharePoint Online from Scratch e-book was published on Amazon in March 2016. The first paperback edition came a month later, and after that there have been several updates. The new edition, published last week, is number 5 already!

Modern interface
Most of the latest update concerns the SharePoint modern interface, which is developing very fast. As Microsoft has promised to keep both the classic and the modern interface side by side, it has been important to me to show the differences and explain when each interface is to prefer.

Manual with progression
Microsoft has a lot of SharePoint instructions online, but they have no real course or manual with a progression. That makes it difficult for beginners, because how can you search for something when you don't even know that it exists? You have to know the possibilities and what things are called, before you can start looking for more information online.

That is where my book comes in. By explaining how SharePoint Online works and how everything is connected, I can give a good base for further exploration online. I also give examples on how you can use your knowledge to enhance typical business process, something that I hope will encourage readers to creative thinking when it comes to their own organizations.

Video tutorials
Variation is important in all learning, and to explain things in a different way I have added links to my own articles with video demonstrations in SharePoint Online from Scratch. I believe this combination of textbook and video is a good way to explain things.

SharePoint Online from Scratch is used in IT training courses, together with the articles. This combination, book + demos + teacher explanations, sounds perfect to me and will surely produce more SharePoint nerds like me!

Practical use
SharePoint Online from Scratch focuses on no-code, hands-on instructions and explanations on how to practically make use of a SharePoint tenant for collaboration within an organization.

But even if I have this practical approach, I also want SharePoint Online from Scratch to give a real understanding of why things are done the way they are. If you have that understanding, it will be easy to figure out how new SharePoint versions work.

E-book or paperback?
If you are interested in my book I recommend that you read more about SharePoint Online from Scratch on the website. There I have also gathered some reviews that I am very proud of.

The actual content of the e-book and paperback is the same, but if you buy the digital copy, you will have all images in color and clickable links to the articles.

The paperback of SharePoint Online from Scratch has 430 pages, so I decided to not use color here. That way I can still sell it at a reasonable price. In a hard copy you can give a better layout than in an e-book, which has to fit many formats, so in my opinion the paperback still looks better! And the paperback edition is actually selling even more than the e-book each month.

The best option is of course to buy both editions! If you buy the hard copy from first, you will be offered to buy the digital copy at a very low cost via the Amazon Kindle Matchbook offer.

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

14 February 2018

New QA And Support Technician

Today I want to introduce our QA Engineer Mayank Gharewal. He works at our Indian office and has proved to be a skilled colleague with many talents. Here is his story: QA Engineer Mayank GharewalIn 2016 I completed my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Stream from the CDGI college in Indore. After completing my graduation, I continued with a course of Diploma in Software Testing, and then I started my career as a Game and Software Tester.

Five months ago, I joined the team. I applied for a position here because I wanted more responsibility and a more challenging work environment. Now I am expected to continuously learn new things and sharpen my skills, and I like that. I also believe in team work as the path to success, and I found that here at the Indore office. Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint icon

My primary work is of course testing. This is an interesting and varied task, especially as offers both standard and custom solutions. So far I have tested all the Kanban Task Manager editions and our new Outlook add-in Kanban E-mail Manager. Kanban E-mail Manager for SharePoint iconI have also made sure that several custom SharePoint solutions meet the buyer's requests as well as our own standards.

Lately I have joined the support team and thus been given even more variation and responsibility. As a support technician, I get a good understanding of how customers use our products and what problems they encounter. I form a link between our customers and my colleagues in the QA team and can discuss enhancements with a better insight.

My area of interest is in sports like cricket and in video games. Before my graduation I actively participated in video game competitions and also hosted a PlayStation 2 event at a Techno management festival.
Mayank with friends

I also like to travel with a group of friends. The image above is from a trip to Lion's point, a mountain peak near the hill station Lonavla in Maharashtra. The sunrise and sunset views from here are mesmerizing. When we were there, the clouds were low and it was a light rain, fog and an icy drizzle. But the sun-rays on the clouds gave the sky a beautiful reddish color.

I am looking forward to testing more products and meeting more customers via our support!

Mayank Gharewal
QA Engineer Business Solutions

01 February 2018

Kanban E-mail Manager for Outlook released

Kanban E-mail Manager for Outlook logotype Today, I am happy to announce the release of a new product: Kanban E-mail Manager for Outlook. This add-in is intended to help single users visualize and work with e-mails on a kanban board.

Kanban View
We have earlier developed another Outlook add-in, Kanban Task Manager Single which visualizes Outlook tasks on a virtual kanban board and converts e-mails into tasks. Therefore, it was not a big step to also create a kanban board for e-mails inside Outlook.

Show Kanban View button logotype Kanban E-mail Manager adds a "Show Kanban View" button in the Outlook ribbon. Select any Outlook e-mail folder and click on the button, and the e-mails in that folder are visualized as cards on a kanban board.

Main features
Kanban E-mail Manager gives the possibility to organize the e-mails in different phases. By default, the phases are called Unhandled, In Progress, Deferred and Handled. You can drag and drop the e-mail cards between these phases as your work with the e-mail proceeds.

You may also create new e-mails or reply to e-mails from the kanban board.

Another main feature of Kanban E-mail Manager is that you can filter and search the e-mails based on category, sender, priority/priorities or any word or phrase.

Outlook built-in categories
Once you have installed Kanban E-mail Manager, it will automatically take the Outlook built-in categories and display the e-mails with the category colors on the kanban board. The category for any e-mail can be set both from the kanban view and from the Outlook e-mail view.

Work efficiently with e-mails and analyze your work with an Excel report
Checklist icon Kanban E-mail Manager has other features, like Checklist and Time Logging. To work smoothly with a complex e-mail, you can break the work into small tasks by adding a checklist to the e-mail card.

Time Logging icon The Time Logging option helps you keep track of the time you have invested in an e-mail. When you record the minutes worked on e-mails, you can analyze the time spent in the Kanban E-mail Manager Excel reports.

Kanban E-mail Manager also generates several other Excel reports, where you can study statistics on the work done. Each time you generate a report the most updated data is included.

Trial and Subscription download icon If you wish to try Kanban E-mail Manager before you decide to subscribe to it, you are welcome to download the full version of the solution and evaluate the solution for 30 days. We provide full support during the evaluation period.

Community icon You can subscribe to Kanban E-mail Manager on monthly as well as yearly basis. My colleagues and I at the Sales department are always here to assist you if you have any queries regarding the subscription.

Documentation and Support
The Kanban E-mail Manager manual gives a detailed description of the product. We also have a slideshow, where you can have a quick overview of Kanban E-mail Manager.

Finally, I would recommend that you watch the video demonstrations, where our CEO, Peter Kalmstrom, explains how to get started with Kanban E-mail Manager.

Should you need any further assistance, the Support team is always here to help you.

Dipti Francis
Executive Assistant Business Solutions