
20 December 2017

2017 in Review

up arrow2017 is coming to an end, and I am looking back upon yet another successful year. It has brought lots of work, new books and product updates and a boom in requests for SharePoint services.

17 years of development
My brand " Business Solutions" was launched seventeen years ago. At that time, the name was " Outlook Solutions", because Outlook was the platform I built on. SharePoint was not even released!
Outlook and SharePoint icons
During the years after that, I have built a strong team and a solid place on the market, and SharePoint has become our main platform. The past year has consolidated this development of the brand, so I am glad I changed the brand name in good time.

Kanban Task Manager
Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint logotypeThe most popular product is Kanban Task Manager. We have now four editions of this tool for project and task management and visualization, but the first editions were for Outlook. Then Kanban Task Manager followed the general trend and came in two SharePoint editions.

When we have new subscribers these days, many of them want to use one of the Kanban Task Manager SharePoint editions – often in combination with one of our other standard products or with a custom solution. Therefore, we have made it a priority to enhance the SharePoint editions of Kanban Task Manager, and when applicable we also update the Outlook editions with corresponding features.

SharePoint services
In 2016 I decided to stop lecturing on advanced IT courses, and since then I have had more time for development and systems design. This has led to a considerable increase in the number of custom solutions and other services that the team has given during 2017.
Services icon
The whole team feels encouraged by these commissions, because they always bring new challenges and put our skills to test. We also get to know IT professionals in other organizations, and the exchange of ideas gives a fresh input to our work.

Books and videos
Even if I have stopped lecturing, I have continued to teach. In 2017 I published two new books: Office 365 from Scratch and SharePoint Online Exercises. With the help of my mother Kate, I also updated SharePoint Online from Scratch to include more about the modern interface. However, Microsoft has recently added many new features to SharePoint Online, so Kate has already begun working with a new update!

The books are connected to free Tips articles with YouTube videos on, and in July we reached 10,000 Subscribers to the YouTube Channel. After that, there has been around 300 new subscribers every month, so the interest for SharePoint and SharePoint solutions is increasing.

Manage Office templates in SharePoint
Not only Kanban Task Manager has been updated during the year. We are especially proud of the latest version of Templates Manager. This fairly new SharePoint solution is now rich in features, and we hope it will be useful for templates distribution and usage in many organizations.

The success should not have been possible without my skilled and dedicated co-workers. Many of them have been working with the products for long, and these esteemed colleagues and friends form a solid group that keep everything running smoothly.

To keep up with demand from customers and evaluators, we have hired several new employees in 2017, and they have merged well into the team and strengthened it further.

Christmas tree Most of us will not take long holiday leaves, so you can count on our assistance during the holidays if necessary. But for now, I and the rest of the team wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Peter Kalmström,
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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