
09 November 2016

Office 365 User Accounts In New And Updated Tutorials

Office 365 logoMicrosoft makes frequent changes in Office 365, so some of our Tips articles and demos from last year are already outdated. I have therefore started to record new demos, and soon everything about Office 365 in the Tips section will be up to date.

Office 365 from Scratch
In August last year we began publishing a series of Office 365 tutorials called Office 365 from Scratch. In 2016 Microsoft has enhanced their cloud platform,  so new Office 365 users will get an Office 365 that in some respects is different from what I show in my demos and describe in the Tips articles.  It is time to update them.

Get started and add users
In my first updated tutorial I show how to set up an Office 365 trial, which has now become easier than it was a year ago. I recommend Enterprise E3, so that is the edition I use in all my Office 365 and SharePoint Online demonstrations.

Excel iconWhen you are all set up, you of course want to add user accounts. Office 365 is a platform for sharing, after all! We have updated Tips articles with demos on how to add one single user to Office 365 and how to import users from a CSV file.

There is also a brand new tutorial that shows how to get started with Office 365 user account PowerShell iconcreation in PowerShell. As I explained in an earlier blog post, PowerShell has become one of the most prominent tools for the developers and we often use it for custom solutions. PowerShell is excellent for automation of tedious tasks, and of course you can use it for user accounts also.

The Tips section
I have embedded the set up demo below for a first glance, but if you want to learn more about Office 365 I advise you to visit the Office 365 section of the Tips section. There you can find all the demos incorporated in articles that give additional information and step by step instructions. I hope you will find the Office 365 from Scratch series useful!

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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