
23 August 2016

IT, Music And Cricket Fires New QA

A couple of months ago QA Engineer Sumit Nandwal joined the team. Our QA Engineers don't have much customer contact, but the QA team is crucial in making sure that our products have the high quality we are so proud of. Here is Sumit's introduction:

During my four years of experience as a Quality Assurance Engineer, I have worked with different kinds of web and mobile applications. Being a Quality Assurance professional, my highest priority is to ensure the best possible product experience for the end-users.
Sumit Nandwal
IT family
I have been interested in computers since my early childhood, and I have a Master of Computer Applications from Rajiv Gandhi Technical University. Now has offered me a unique opportunity to work with new ideas and technologies like SharePoint. As a team member I wish to continually expand my knowledge and skills and deliver the very best to our customers.

I am blessed with a healthy family. My father working for Central Government with Employees State Insurance Corporation and my younger brother  as a Software Engineer. My extended family include members working in various capacities with reputed IT companies, so I would like to say we are a family of IT professionals.
Singer and songwriter
Work aside, my major area of interest is music. My hobby in music is not just limited to listening, but I also sing and write my own songs. I am currently learning music production and sound engineering, and my favorite genre is Alternative Rock and Indian semi-classical.

I also play a lot of cricket and watch all the matches of the Indian Cricket team. I aim to succeed in both my areas of professional and personal endeavours and wish to achieve high goals in both.

I believe in the saying “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice”. The idea behind this thought is that I should always remain honest in whatever I do in my life.

Sumit Nandwal

I am looking forward to tackling new challenges together with my colleagues in the team. By  knowledge sharing and cooperation we will continue to create quality products for customers worldwide.

Sumit Nandwal
Quality Assurance Engineer Business Solutions

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