
23 March 2016

SharePoint Online From Scratch In New E-Book

SharePoint Online from Scratch cover All who follow this blog knows that SharePoint is my specialty, and for several years I have used my expertise in standard products, custom solutions and education.

Today I am happy to announce that I have used my knowledge in a new way: I have published an e-book, SharePoint Online from Scratch.

In my work with the SharePoint products and custom solutions, and when I have held SharePoint courses for  IT professionals, I have come to understand what areas are the most important to SharePoint power users. SharePoint Online from Scratch focuses on those areas.

Microsoft has developed SharePoint so that it is possible to get substantial benefit without coding experience, and I have made SharePoint Online from Scratch as much no-code as possible. None of my instructions and suggestions require knowledge of how to write code, but in a few cases, I have given examples of code that you can use.

SharePoint Online from Scratch is not intended to be a full description of everything in SharePoint Online. The topic is huge, and Microsoft has a lot of detailed information on their websites. Instead, I want this book to give hands-on instructions on how to practically make use of a SharePoint tenant for an organization, or parts thereof.

The questions I get from customers, students and followers are most often concrete – “How do I …?, or “Can SharePoint …?” – and I hope this book will give the answers to the most common of them. Therefore, SharePoint Online from Scratch has many images and step by step instructions, and to be even clearer I often give links to articles with video demonstrations in the Tips section.

Ever changing platform
Even if SharePoint Online from Scratch primarily is a handbook, explanations on how SharePoint works are mixed into the instructions. My Tips articles and demos must be step-by-step based, but SharePoint Online is an ever changing platform so I want the e-book to give a deeper understanding. 

I hope that the SharePoint Online from Scratch instructions and suggestions will make you understand why things are done as they are and how everything is connected. That way, you will be able to figure out how to things even when SharePoint changes and things no longer work as described in the book.

Even more important is that the understanding I hope you will acquire by studying SharePoint Online from Scratch will help you explore SharePoint far beyond the limits of my 400 pages e-book!

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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