
06 November 2015

Outlook Kanban Board for Single Users Updated

Kanban Task Manager for Outlook logotypeDo you often need to enter information from e-mails into Outlook tasks? In that case today's update of Kanban Task Manager Single will be useful, because we have made it very easy to convert e-mails into tasks. Just click on a button to copy data from the e-mail to the task.

The workgroup version of Kanban Task Manager was updated a few weeks ago, and now the turn has come to the version for single users, like one-man businesses or consultants.

Visualize your work process
A physical kanban board is a board where cards are moved between different phases of a project as work proceeds. Kanban Task Manager uses the kanban board idea with Outlook tasks, so that you can see your tasks in Outlook and group them in various ways. You can:
  • Drag and drop tasks between or within different phases of a project. You may also use lanes to categorize your tasks.
  • Display tasks for multiple projects in one kanban board. Filter the tasks to see only one project.
  • Search tasks.
  • Zoom in and out on the kanban board, to see more details or more tasks.
  • Generate Statistics Excel reports. Study and show your data with all the features of Excel.
And now also:
  • Convert e-mails into task with a button click. Select or open the the e-mail and click on the 'Convert' button. This button is displayed both in the Outlook mail view and in open e-mails.
Kanban Task Manager ribbon group
Support for inline images
The new version of Kanban Task Manager supports inline images and bold and italic text in the task body. This is especially useful together with the 'Convert' button, because e-mails often have images and formatting.

You can also drag e-mails to the Kanban Task Manager folder to convert them into tasks, but with this method e-mail images will not be transferred to the task.

Conversion settings
In the Kanban Task Manager settings you can decide what to do when an e-mail has been converted into a task: always open the task, never open it or ask. When you open each task after conversion, you can directly select Project and Phase (and Lane and your custom tag if you are using those options).

If you choose to not open the tasks, they will be placed in the first phase on the kanban board, where you can easily find them and tag them with your Kanban Task Manager parameters. You may even call that phase "Not Assigned" and use that phase exclusively for tasks that are converted from e-mails and not yet have been tagged.

Open button
An 'Open' button will be displayed when you select an already converted e-mail in the e-mail view, or when you open a converted e-mail. Click on the button, and the corresponding task will open in a new window.

Upgrade upgrade iconIf you are a subscriber and often get work orders or other task information by e-mail, I recommend you to upgrade your installation. We give Subscribers free upgrades, and the upgrade is quick. Download the .msi file and run it. Then the installer will find your earlier installation and upgrade it automatically. Refer to the Revisions page for a full list of enhancements and bug fixes.

Try it download iconDo you need to get an overview over your Outlook tasks and want to use the kanban  method to visualize the work process? In that case you are welcome to try Kanban Task Manager Single. There is plenty of documentation on our website, and should you still have questions I hope you will contact us.

Peter Kalmström,
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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