
21 October 2015

1 000 000 Views For The YouTube Channel

YouTube icon Today we celebrate that the YouTube Channel has reached one million views, an impressive figure for a specialized channel like ours.

My colleagues and I are happy that so many people want to watch our demos about SharePoint and Office and about the Solutions that build on those platforms.

One million

Authentic views?
TimeCard for OutlookHow do we know that real people have watched our demos? Of course we cannot be 100 % sure about that, but YouTube claims that the view count shows quality views by actual humans and that robot views are discovered and not taken into account.
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5 300 subscribers
Another reason for me to believe that the views are authentic, is that the Channel has well over 5 300 subscribers. I imagine they watch a demo or two sometimes! The many comments we get also show that people have actually studied and enjoyed our tutorials.
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In an earlier blogpost my mother Kate observed that most of the YouTube subscribers are men, while women seem to prefer Pinterest, where we also present our video demonstrations.
Templates Manager for SharePoint icon Solutions
We have found YouTube demos to be a good way of introducing and explaining our Outlook and SharePoint solutions. The manuals have an abundance of screenshots and give all details, but with video demonstrations we can actually show how to do things. A big part of the view count comes from these demos, and we are glad that our customers find them useful.
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Why so popular?.
Another group of demonstrations are tutorials about the Microsoft Office and SharePoint platforms, and in spite of all the product views the most popular of all our videos is actually a basic SharePoint tutorial.
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Create a Small Business SharePoint Intranet has had over 60 000 views during the last year, even though there are many other demos about the same subject out there. A search for SharePoint intranet on YouTube gave 32 300 hits!

So what do the demos have that makes them special? I think at least part of the explanation is the way we present them on the website.
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Team work
Obviously the demos cover subjects that many need to know more about, and as SharePoint and Office are my special competencies I am happy to share my knowledge. Being an experienced lecturer, I also know how to organize the information in a good way.

SP Attach icon But I am not alone in the creation. My colleagues Kate and Rituka edit my recordings, and their work is very important for the result you see. They also write the Tips articles that give more information and often step by step instructions. The Tips section started as an assistance to subscribers but has now grown to an important part of our website.
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Education without advertisements
To have some revenues from all our work with the SharePoint and Office tutorials we allow advertisements in the demos, but if you want to use them for education you are welcome to buy advertisement free copies of the demos you need.
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Some of my demos have even become a book, Excel 2016 from Scratch, and we plan to do something similar with the SharePoint Online demos.

But first we will publish more demos on YouTube and write more Tips articles for the website. So please help yourselves!

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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