
09 April 2015

New Developer Boosts

I am happy to introduce one more developer in the team: Software Developer Rahul Somani. Rahul has been with us since January, and so far he has mostly been engaged in our new solution for resource booking: Calendar Browser for SharePoint.

Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint logotypeThe SharePoint version of Calendar Browser will work like the well-established Outlook version – book a resource by making an appointment in the calendar of the resource you wish to use – and it will have the Overview, the double booking protection and other features you can find in the more mature Outlook version. Here is Rahul’s story:

Rahul Somani imageRelishing school assignments on programming languages like LOGO, FoxPro etc. I developed a passive inclination to the field of technology and engineering. This became a full-blown interest as I grew up, and it led me to pursue my graduation course in the field of Computer Science.

At the same time, I became curious about the working of applications like TeamViewer, Google , trading terminal websites which work on real time data and even IT solutions used in the banking industry. I became certain that I wanted to pursue this curiosity as well.

My interest in the field has grown over time, and I get a sense of elation when my code runs successfully. This drives me to not give up even when I face challenging problems. My propensity for programming, along with a desire to learn the working of various applications and technologies, propels me to go that extra mile.

Nurturing Period
In my four-years of engineering studies, I acquired an overall perspective of this scientific discipline, with a particular interest in Object-Oriented Programming, Database Management. Computer Networks, Operating System and Data Structures were some of the other areas that captured my attention.

In college I built a prototype, "Virtual Stock Market Management System", for beginners to learn how to invest in the stock market by trading online among a group of users. This was developed using Java and mySQL. I also built a “Database Migration” application which helps in migrating databases from one technology to another, using Java, XML et al. I graduated with honors in Computer Science and Engineering from Medicaps Institute of Technology and Management, Indore.

Corporate Experience
My professional life began in Mysore, at Infosys, a well noted multinational corporation in South India. The center, which is known worldwide for its training program, adds to its value by incorporating folks from all over India and from different nationalities.

After my initial training, I was asked to join the production center, and there I worked with Microsoft technologies – ASP.NET, SQL server 2008 and others.

Apart from the developing skills, the rich environment helped me cultivate strong friendships with my diverse housemates. The values I had inculcated from my childhood at home and from school made it easy for me to blend in and build relationships with people and understand their different perspectives, beliefs and traditions.

Leisure Pursuit
Other than to be known for being a techie guy, I like to understand the nuances of the stock market. I do a bit of betting, as this activity brings out the thrill present within me. I have been following the Indian stock market for the last 5 years, and this has nurtured my analytic ability. During weekends or holidays I love to read books of genres such as science, mystery and biographies.
Rahul Somani
Till date my experience with is exciting. Here I find a congenial work aura which has aided me not only to enrich my technical skills set but also to grow as a person. Every new day is filled with a challenging set of activities, something new or unique.

I would like to thank CEO Peter Kalmstrom and Lead Developer Jayant Rimza for trusting me and giving me challenging tasks. I hope I will match their expectations above par and deliver a robust solution for Calendar Browser for SharePoint.

Apart from the challenges issued by our mentor (Jayant), there is a synchronized power booster packet of frolic activities, presentations – learning something new at the end of week and moments of chuckles in the office (especially during the lunch hour).

All this makes me enjoy being part of the team, and I am looking forward to what the future will bring!
Rahul Somani
Software Developer Business Solutions

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