
13 January 2015

Time Tracking in Outlook and SharePoint - Updates

TimeCard graphics All companies, from international concerns to self-employed craftsmen, need a way to track how time has been spent on various tasks and projects. With the Solution TimeCard you can report work hours in Outlook or SharePoint, where many of us plan our time anyway. TimeCard comes in three version, and two of them have been updated today.

Outlook versions
TimeCard for Outlook logotypeTimeCard Workgroup for Outlook was one of my first solutions, created nearly fifteen years ago for a Swedish town and soon after that transformed into a standard product. The Swedish town is still using TimeCard – but the latest version, of course!

After a few years TimeCard Workgroup had a little sibling: TimeCard Single. While the workgroup version has central reporting and configuration, the single version is intended for only one person and his/her PC.

But the daily use is the same for both versions: tag Outlook appointments with project, task, customer or similar, and report them directly from the Outlook calendar to a database.
TimeCard Excel reports

Updated statistics in TimeCard Single
TimeCard Statistics iconTimeCard gives a possibility to create Excel reports on the information in the reported appointments. If the appointments are tagged with values for customer and task, the default reports will show costs and number of hours and appointments per customer and per task.
TimeCard Excel reports
Expenses can be reported with the hours, and if that feature is enabled there is also a report on expenses per customer and task. Today´s update has given the TimeCard Single statistics reports a nicer design, the same that has already been implemented in TimeCard Workgroup.

Quicker SharePoint version
TimeCard for SharePoint logotypeTimeCard for SharePoint is the latest member of the TimeCard family. In general it works like the Outlook versions, and it also has Excel reports. The new version has enhanced performance.

The big advantage of the SharePoint version is of course that you can reach it from anywhere over the internet. Another benefit is that workgroups within a company easily can have their own installations, with separate configuration and reporting.

TRussian flaghe two updated TimeCard versions support a new language: Russian. We are happy to now support 12 European languages, and Russian will be implemented in more Solutions at new releases.

Upgrade upgrade icon Upgrades are always included in the Subscriptions, so current users of TimeCard for SharePoint and TimeCard Single are welcome to upgrade their installations.

TimeCard evaluation icon Have you not tried TimeCard yet? If you need a convenient way to report time, please visit the TimeCard homepage and read more about the three versions. You may download and evaluate the version that suits you for 30 days. Please contact us if you have questions!

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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