
26 August 2014

Manipulate The SharePoint Navigation

SharePoint logoIn my tutorial series on SharePoint Links I have now published the fourth article and demo. Here I describe various ways to manipulate the links in the SharePoint navigation areas Top Bar and Quick Launch.

SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure
How much you can customize your SharePoint navigation depends on a SharePoint feature called SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure. It is present in all SharePoint licenses except the Foundation versions, but even if it is there, SharePoint Site collection features it has to be enabled for each site collection.

If you have a license with the Publishing Infrastructure and it is enabled, you will get more customization options. But also without them, there are some possibilities to make changes in the SharePoint navigation. In the Tips article on how to manipulate the SharePoint navigation you can find a list of the options I show.

Manipulation and Solutions
When you are using a SharePoint Solution we recommend you to not manipulate the Quick Launch on the users interface of that product. It is possible, but in general it is better to have several SharePoint subsites instead of cramping many different things in one page.Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint logotype

The Top Bar is often a global navigation for the whole site collection, and you can manipulate it as you like when you use a SharePoint Solution. It is convenient to be able to reach all other sites in the collection from the Top Bar in your Kanban Task Manager or TimeCard page. TimeCard logotype

Top Bar dropdowns
Even if I recommend the use of subsites, I am aware of the drawback: when you have many sites in a site collection there will be a long row of links in the Top Bar. This can be avoided if you have the Publishing Infrastructure. Then you may use dropdowns for the Top Bar navigation. They are not difficult to create, and in the end of the demo below I show how to do it.

All the SharePoint Links tutorials are gathered under their own heading in the table of contents of the Tips section. You can find many other articles there too, on SharePoint as well as on other platforms. You are very welcome to browse!

Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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