
26 March 2014

Fileshare to SharePoint – Things To Consider

I have mentioned my session at the Stockholm SharePoint Saturday several times in this blog and even bragged about the good reviews I got from the people who listened to me. Now you can judge for yourself, as my session was recorded.
Stockholm SharePoint Saturday

SPS events around the world
The  premiere SharePoint Saturday event was held in 2009, and today SharePoint Saturdays are held all over the world. This year was the first time in Stockholm, and I was invited to speak.

Move files into SharePoint
I am currently working on a project where I am planning the move of millions of files into SharePoint. This is probably a task that many IT professionals will be asked to perform in the future, so I decided to talk about it in my session at SharePoint Saturday Stockholm.

PowerShell scripts
PowerShell iconThe subject for my speech was "Fileshare to SharePoint – things to consider", but I did not only talk about what you should think about. I also gave tools for file inventory and for the actual migration, as I shared several PowerShell scripts to use as templates.

Here is my recorded session now, and below it you can find links to more information.

Nine more the SharePoint Saturday session were recorded and published on YouTube:

In the Tips section there are four articles about my session at SharePoint Saturday Stockholm 2014. You can reach them all from

In these articles you can find links to the PowerShell scripts mentioned above and to Blog posts where the same subjects are discussed more freely. I hope you will find the information useful!

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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