
26 August 2013

New Developer Inspired By Nature

A month ago we were happy to welcome another experienced software developer to the team. Sharad Verma will lead the JavaScript group and take part in all development, and eventually we also hope to include him in the support tasks. Here is his story:

First I want to thank Peter and Kate Kalmstrom for letting me introduce myself in this blog. My first month in the team has been very interesting, and I can see a great future with
Sharad Verma photo

I completed my Master of Computer Application in 2010. After five semesters at the university, I joined one of the Indore IT companies for a major .NET technology project of six semesters, which was required for my exam. That company later wanted to hire me as a Junior Developer, and I stayed with them for three years and worked on various projects.

Sharad Verma in traditional costumeI have small and sweet family. My father is a retired government officer, my mother is a house wife and my wife is a teacher of English literature. My very first aim is to make my family members happy.

The photos in this article comes from a journey to Manali that me and my wife made to celebrate our marriage anniversary. We love to travel to places of natural beauty, because they give a message of peace and passion to our community.

Manali is a small town in the Himalayas. It is a very popular spot for mountain trekking and river rafting, and of course we tried both. In the Rohtang pass, at an altitude of 3978 meters, my wife and I felt as if we were in heaven, because it was such a beautiful place. On another occasion we dressed up in the traditional costumes of the area.
Sharad Verma in snow

During my first month at I have mostly worked with next version of TimeCard, a solution for time reporting from the Outlook calendar. It will have three versions, a single user version for Outlook and two workgroup versions – one for Outlook and one for SharePoint.

TimeCard logotype TimeCard will also support the 64-bit versions of Office 2010 and 2013, so it is a challenging development project. Most applications developers choose to only support the 32-bit versions, but I have understood that wants to give more.

I am looking forward to pursuing my career in the team. It is a work environment that will utilize and reinforce my technical abilities, and I know I will also gain new cutting edge skills and experience in the rapidly changing field where is a player to count on.

Sharad Verma
Software Developer Business Solutions

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