
18 June 2013

Publish KBase Articles As Web Pages

KBase bannerMaybe you have seen that the website has a new FAQ link in the top menu? As we have now relased a new version of KBase, we also want to use the new web design for KBase articles. Another change is that all FAQ are gathered in the same place.

KBase for Outlook and web
In an earlier article I have described how you can share the KBase articles via a SharePoint site, but in many cases you want to reach more people than those who have access to the team site.

Or maybe you have some article categories that are suitable for the intranet, while others are more suitable for a website?  In both cases I suggest you to publish articles as web pages.

Publish categories and types
With KBase you can categorize knowledge base articles in categories and types, and that is easily done in a tree view in the settings. When it is time to publish the articles to HTML pages you can do that by category or type by just checking boxes.

To publish by category or type is not the only option. You may also publish selected articles or articles created by a certain person. A table of contents can be created automatically, and you can select to name the articles by their subjects or by incremental numbering.

New design
In version 3 of KBase the design of the content and article pages is modernized. We hope you like it and want to keep it as it is, but as this is all in HTML you can change the design to suit your organization using any web design application.
KBase article content

All FAQ in one place
When we implemented the new design on the website we decided to gather FAQ for all products in one place, instead of spreading them on the product pages. That is more convenient, and the contents view makes it easy to find the article you are looking for. And if you cannot find it - please tell us, so that we can either direct you to it or create it if it doesn't exist!

By Peter Kalmstrom
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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