
09 May 2013

Milestone For The Blog

The Blog has now reached more than 100 000 pageviews, which we consider a good result for a specialised blog like this one.
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Lazy beginning
We started the Blog in 2009, but during the first years we only posted a few rather short blog articles.

It was not until 2011 we begun posting more often, and I think those articles also had better content than the earlier ones. After a while we saw the result of this improvement in the number of pageviews, and the figures are still increasing for each month – which encourages us to continue posting.
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Long shelf life
When a blog post is new we are of course eager to study the statistics to see how many pageviews it gets, but it is even more interesting to look at the statistics of all blog posts and not only of the latest ones, because the blog posts are read long after they were published. We take that as a proof of quality, and it makes us even more motivated to generate good content.

Tecnical blog with some variety
Kanban Task Manager iconThe major aim for the blog is to inform about the solutions that enhance Outlook and SharePoint and the blog is a good marketing channel. The most read blog post ever in this category is the presentation of Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint from October 2012.

Kanban Task Manager iconWe are happy that the great interest for the article has been followed by downloads and then Community Memberships when organizations have decided to use this solution for kanban style task and project management in SharePoint. Also an earlier blog post about the Outlook version of Kanban Task Manager are among the ten most read during all times.

Business news
We want to give blog readers more than marketing, so we often comment technical news and other events in the business. In this group the most read blog post so far has been about the initiative by Microsoft Sweden to proclaim a "Work From Home Day". This event took place in Februari last year and was later followed by a "Telework Day" in Estonia.
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The Tips section
Our website does not only contain a lot of information about the applications for Outlook and SharePoint. As the team has profound knowledge about these platforms we also give tips and pointers that are not directly related to our products.

Each new tip is introduced in the Blog, and these posts are often popular. The article about adding JavaScript in SharePoint from December 2011 is actually the most read blog post of all.
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Had I waited a while with writing this blog post I think another article would have taken the lead, though, because "SharePoint 2013 Document Library Templates" is high on the list even though it was published as late as the end of March this year.

Personal news
Calendar Browser iconAnother kind of blog posts describe important events in the life of the team members. Here I must admit I am a bit disappointed that the most read blog post is from 2009 - a short article about Swedish Christmas celebrations.

I think we have published better blog posts in this category after that. Maybe it is the photo of a red cottage in a snowy landscape that attracts visitors?

Who are the visitors?
Document Tagger iconThe statistics can also show us where the blog readers come from, and we see that the biggest group is the Americans. After the U.S. comes U.K. and then India, China, Sweden and Germany. China is the only surprise here, as we do not yet have any Community Members in China. But it surely looks promising for the future!

While I have been writing this the figures have changed, so that we are a bit more over 100 000 now. Thank you all blog visitors! We are happy that you take your time to read and share the Blog.

By Kate Kalmström
Marketing and Documentation Business Solutions

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