
11 April 2013

Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint V1.4

Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint logotypeOn one of the last days of December 2012 Business Solutions released a kanban board for SharePoint where tasks can be dragged and dropped between phases and filtered by project and responsible.

Now it is soon time to take the next step and release an update of the project management solution for SharePoint.

Kanban boardGreat interest
We are happy that so many want to try the SharePoint version of Kanban Task Manager. Some organizations wish to use it with the Outlook version, while others prefer to use only SharePoint.

The first evaluators have already decided to subscribe to our project management solution for SharePoint, and they have become new Members of the Community.

Support for SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2013 icon
The current version of Kanban Task Manager only supports SharePoint 2010, so the most important thing for the next version was to make it compatible with SharePoint 2013. Also the SharePoint 2013 version of Office 365 is now supported.

Two task sizes
The Windows 8 style visualized tasks in version 1.4 of Kanban Task Manager will come in two sizes. The default size will be as before, but now we can also offer a smaller task for workgroups with many tasks. The smaller size might also be more suitable if users often reach the SharePoint kanban board via their smart phones.
Kanban Task Manager Settings
Hide what you don't want to see from the kanban board
Maybe you don't want to show all phases on the kanban board in SharePoint? For example, the last phase, when the tasks are finished, could often be hidden. In version 1.4 of Kanban Task Manager you can do that, in order to make more room on the board.

Other things you don't want to see are old projects and responsible persons who are no longer in the workgroup. In the new version you can hide them from the filter dropdowns of the SharePoint kanban board. If you delete them, they will be gone, but if you hide them you can still study them in the task list if needed.

The developers always try to use as much standard Microsoft features as possible, so the Kanban Task Manager tasks are normal SharePoint tasks that we have visualized and given extra features. They are possible to customize just like any other tasks, but that also means that we cannot hide projects and responsibles in the dropdowns inside each task. We recommend you to add a "z" in front of the name instead. Then they will come last in the list and users will not be disturbed by them.

Kanban Task Manager Phase
Close instead of delete
Another new feature in the new version of the project management tool is a possibility for the admin to change the behavior of the button here to the right. Default behavior is "delete task". The task will then be moved to the SharePoint recycle bin.

The optional behavior is to instead move the task to a specified phase. Any of the phases can be used for this, but most common will probably be to utilize either the "finished" phase or a dedicated "closed" phase. Even if this option is selected the task can be deleted in the task list, but users cannot do it directly from the SharePoint kanban board.

Used in the team
We are already using Kanban Task Manager V1.4 for our own project management in SharePoint, and only some details are left to solve before the public release. Using the solution in the daily work is a good way of evaluating it, but of course the QA Engineers also make more thorough tests on different systems.

I hope soon to be able to tell you that you can upgrade your installation – or try the new version of the project management tool for SharePoint. In that coming blog post I will also describe some more of the added features. Because there is more to tell!

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

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